Kezdődött az úgy, hogy 2010 január elsején nekivágtunk a fogyózásnak a férjemmel. Én a két gyerek után hirtelen rajtam maradt huszonkilóktól, illetve férjem az évek során rárakódott hasonló számú kilóktól kívántunk megszabadulni. Öt hónap alatt sikerült a dolog, amin mindketten eléggé meglepődtünk. Már ekkor gondolkoztam rajta, hogy van ugyan egy rakat gasztroblog, de én szeretnék egy olyat, ahol kimondottan diétába illő, cukorbetegek számára is fogyasztható, a reformkonyhát népszerűsítő dolgok vannak. És adódott a héten egy vacsora Anettal, aki az utóbbi időben szintén a reformkonyha világába tesz kalandozásokat, és jött az ötlet, hogy akkor közösen alkossunk egy ilyesmit. :) Remélem, sok hasznos dolgot találtok majd. Az alapokat csak bemásolom a másik blogomból a továbbiakban azonban új bejegyzésekkel találkoztok majd. :)
The beginning
It all started with us (me and my hubby) starting a diet on 1 Jauary 2010. I intended to get rid of my nearly 50 punds that I gained through my two pregnancies and my husband also wanted to lose the similar amount. We succeeded in 5 months which was a great surprise for us both! And even though there are tons of gastroblogs, I started thinking about starting one that has recipes which fit in a diet are consumable for diabetics and popularise the reformed kitchen and healthy way of eating. Then I had a dinner with my cousin Anett the other day. She has been trying out new things as well, and we had the idea to start a blog together. :) I hope you'll find lots of useful hints. The basics I'll just copy from my other blog but from now on you can be looking forward to recipes with pictures and stuff. :) Enjoy!
It all started with us (me and my hubby) starting a diet on 1 Jauary 2010. I intended to get rid of my nearly 50 punds that I gained through my two pregnancies and my husband also wanted to lose the similar amount. We succeeded in 5 months which was a great surprise for us both! And even though there are tons of gastroblogs, I started thinking about starting one that has recipes which fit in a diet are consumable for diabetics and popularise the reformed kitchen and healthy way of eating. Then I had a dinner with my cousin Anett the other day. She has been trying out new things as well, and we had the idea to start a blog together. :) I hope you'll find lots of useful hints. The basics I'll just copy from my other blog but from now on you can be looking forward to recipes with pictures and stuff. :) Enjoy!
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